My Pure Clean Home

Discovering chemical-free clean…one mess at a time.


Simple Meal Planning

pick two

So true.

Okay, so I am going to mention another topic that makes a lot of us cringe: Meal Planning.

There are a lot of amazing tips and suggestions to conquer this on Pinterest but in this arena…I find the simpler…the better.

Sorta like a budget-doing it this way gives me freedom. I know what I’m workin’ with.

I write down 7-10 dinners that we are going to eat.  A few staples are always included (for us, those include spaghetti, and pesto pasta sausage (recipe follows) mainly because they are easy and Mike and I both know how to make them so if he needs to cook dinner, he can…easily)

Then I make my shopping list based off of this.

You can flip through ads or coupons to get your ideas for the week, too! Regardless of your method…be sure to look and see what you already have and use it up!

We eat the same things for the most part for breakfast, lunch and snacks so I add those to the list and voila. List: done.

Then-I write my “menu” on the chalkboard that hangs in my kitchen.  I got it at Hobby Lobby for $12.00 but you could just write it on paper, too!


There. Now it’s done.  I already know I have the ingredients for everything.  Now, I just get to choose what I want to have that night.  Like ordering off a menu…aw my glamourous life 🙂

Maybe I choose something simple because it’s gettin’ late.  Maybe I choose a staple so Mike can cook it.  Maybe it’s hectic and we won’t be home at all so I do the crock pot choice.  You get the idea.  Freedom.

I only shop for about 7 dinners because we inevitably have left overs or Mike flies one night so we eat pop tarts instead 🙂 and I don’t want the food to go bad.

Plain and simple….it makes one aspect of my life simpler.  I hope this helps you, too!


Pesto Pasta Sausage! Simplest, easiest recipe from a friend that became a staple and has a GF option!

Tri Colored Rotini (Or Ancient Harvest Veggie Curls for a Gluten-Free option)

Jar of Classico Basil Pesto (on the isle with the spaghetti sauce)

ITALIAN STYLE Honey Suckle White seasoned ground turkey

Cook turkey.  Cook pasta. Combine with Pesto. Serve. Makes 6-8 servings. Top with Parmesan cheese if you like.
