My Pure Clean Home

Discovering chemical-free clean…one mess at a time.

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The Mighty Mesh

At my Norwex party last night I had a customer ask me if the Mighty Mesh really can clean pots and pans… “the good ones” without scratching…

So this morning I took on the challenge with my ceramic pan.

We made crepes.  I used to think those sounded so fancy.  They are easier than pancakes and my kids ask for them all the time. We fill them with yogurt (we have voted…peach is the best) and top ’em with real maple syrup.  Anyway…easy…recipe follows!

But it leaves the pan a mess!


So I pulled out the goods: A Norwex Mighty Mesh Pot Scrubber and phosphate-free Dishwashing Liquid and took on the challenge.


Ta-Da! There is sits in all it’s glory drying on the Dish Mat 🙂 <—love that sucker! The mesh side allows air through while the microfiber soaks up excess moisture


Perfectly clean without scratching and took all of about 20 seconds!

I wanted to review the Mighty Mesh for my guest, however it is NOT recommended on these surfaces as it can scratch!! To be safe-I want to recommend the Spirisponge for these jobs! I haven’t found anything that the Spirisponge can’t handle and that won’t scratch!! Want something that won’t wear out and you don’t have to throw away? The Kitchen Scrub Cloth is made with the same texture surface!!!

The crepes cook about that fast, too!



Heat pan to Medium

Combine the following in a blender:

1 cup milk

1 egg

1/2 cup plus 1 tablespoon all-purpose flour (or your favorite GF flour blend)

1/2 teaspoon salt

1/2 teaspoon pure vanilla extract (we use Madagascar vanilla bean to be fancy 😉 you can buy it at Cost Plus if you need to feel fancy today. P.S.  I am still in my pajamas…that don’t match.  I take fancy where I can get it :))


You can swirl a little butter in your pan but mine don’t stick so I don’t use it.

Pour a little batter in the pan (juuuuuuust enough to cover-it needs to be thin)

Wait a few and flip it.

Put a dollop of yogurt in the center and roll it up.

Pour some warm maple syrup over the top and enjoy!


My kids are standing at the stove with clean plates before the next one comes off the stove!