My Pure Clean Home

Discovering chemical-free clean…one mess at a time.

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Spring Cleaning Part 1: Towels

We have a major problem in this house and as I was looking for a solution…I decided to take you along as I work through several challenge areas in hopes of helping you and kick off Spring Cleaning!

So I am going to do a little series…not that I am an expert but just determined to figure it out…simplify this madness 🙂

Okay…so are you ready?  Promise not to judge…

P.S.  Excuse the crappy photos.  I did not stage this for the blog.  This is a typical day so I just grabbed my cell phone and started taking pictures.

Found one here:


A few got hung up here…


A couple of them tossed here:


Some kid ran from the tub to their room dropping one here…


And a couple more managed to get hung here…


another found here:




The kitchen table!!!!!! What?!?

But seriously this is how it is.  Everyday.

I honestly can’t take it anymore.

Can you imagine the laundry?

No one remembers whose is whose.

No one knows if it’s clean or needs to be cleaned so they just toss it down the laundry chute.

My husband ALWAYS leaves his downstairs, on the back of a chair…but if I don’t bring it back up by the time he takes his next shower then he grabs another.

So we either have a lot of towels down the chute or a lot of towels hung up or a lot of towels on the floor.

Norwex microfiber-including their bath towels contain silver. So-they are self sanitizing and won’t get that musty smell.  Bacteria, molds, fungi, etc. cannot survive in them.  It will be a fresh towel, literally, at every use.

So I decided to give myself a gift.  Quite possibly the best gift…ever.

Hubby got one color, I got another.

The baby got the hoodie/washcloth set

The big kids each got a towel, too.

The guest bath got a certain color hand towel and the kids’ bath got another color. The Master bath got the remaining color.

It is brilliant.  5 bath towels, 3 hand towels (I actually got 6 of these so there was one hanging while the other was washing)…all fresh and clean all the time and then once a week I grab ’em all up and throw them in the wash. One load.  All clean. Hang them back up and d-o-n-e.





Can you imagine the floor cabinet space I just freed up?!?  An entire shelf of my linen closet is empty!

I donated all the towels to the SAFE House.


Do it! Take the challenge to see how Norwex really can improve the quality of your life.  As with all products there is a 60-day money back guarantee!

You can order on my web site or contact me directly.

This idea was inspired by a real-life customer who gave herself this gift and did it for her family! Here’s what she wrote me:
This is the first weekend in forever that I have not been washing, drying and folding a HUGE load of bath towels. We are loving our Norwex bath towels—means I have barely a load of towels to wash each week! And I just hang them up after each shower or after drying hands, and they dry quick as can be and stay smelling nice. Thanks, Rechel!-Heather B.

Follow me here on the blog and come along as I find more and more and more ways of simplifying the endless task of housework 🙂

Oh and to be perfectly honest….

In our review of the towels…Mike and I both felt like they were very grabby upon first use.  In fact…I was not pleased and was not going to give them another try.  But I did and I am so glad I did.  After that very first use-they are great and super absorbent!

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Keep Calm

I have only been a Norwex representative for a couple months and we all have to start somewhere…

The day of my very first party, the hostess called and asked, “Do you have any Descaler to try out on my shower?  It’s awful!”

Being new and all…I didn’t have a lot of supplies, nor had I had time to try all the products.

My Leader called and told me that she had a bottle of Descaler and I could pick it up ON MY WAY TO THE PARTY.

What?!? No time to try it first?  Make sure it actually worked.  Oh my….what if it doesn’t…right in front of everyone….the entire party will be a bust!

I had been on a quest forever to find something that worked on my own shower…I tried the Barkeepers Friend, the peroxide/baking soda/lemon juice claim…all. failed.  Could this really work?

Wait, Rechel…calm down…everything has been amazing…this will be to.  Let’s do it![Crown]-Keep-Calm-And-Use-Norwex

The directions say to squirt some on and wait 5-10 min.  I squirt in on….but before we even left the room….



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My hostess was thrilled and so was I!!!!! I heart you, Norwex.

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From This to That in Seconds Flat

My baby is down with croup so the bathrooms have been neglected. Ya, right…as if….okay….the bathrooms would be neglected anyway!

Tonight I walked by the kids’ bathroom and couldn’t ignore the mess…

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That toothpaste was stuuuuuuuck on!

I wasn’t planning on cleaning the bathroom and I had no time to be cleaning the bathroom (if you ask me there is never time to clean a bathroom…or do laundry ;)) But-I had an Envirocloth and a window cloth…and water and that’s all I needed  (I also keep a tile mop head and dry mop head in this bath now, too and just keep the pole behind the door)


Obviously I had my phone with me so not only did I snap a few pics….I also set the stopwatch and in 2 minutes 58 seconds….

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And I even got the toilet, too!

There was a stain of some sort in the sink so I got the Cleaning Paste and Spirisponge and removed the spot effortlessly while I answered a call from my mom…ahhhhh multitasking!

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Hubby walked in the door juuuuuust as I was finishing up…so I did what any good housewife would do and splashed water on my face, came down wiping my forehead and said it took hours 😉

Norwex made me look good today!
