My Pure Clean Home

Discovering chemical-free clean…one mess at a time.

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Keep Calm

I have only been a Norwex representative for a couple months and we all have to start somewhere…

The day of my very first party, the hostess called and asked, “Do you have any Descaler to try out on my shower?  It’s awful!”

Being new and all…I didn’t have a lot of supplies, nor had I had time to try all the products.

My Leader called and told me that she had a bottle of Descaler and I could pick it up ON MY WAY TO THE PARTY.

What?!? No time to try it first?  Make sure it actually worked.  Oh my….what if it doesn’t…right in front of everyone….the entire party will be a bust!

I had been on a quest forever to find something that worked on my own shower…I tried the Barkeepers Friend, the peroxide/baking soda/lemon juice claim…all. failed.  Could this really work?

Wait, Rechel…calm down…everything has been amazing…this will be to.  Let’s do it![Crown]-Keep-Calm-And-Use-Norwex

The directions say to squirt some on and wait 5-10 min.  I squirt in on….but before we even left the room….



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My hostess was thrilled and so was I!!!!! I heart you, Norwex.