My Pure Clean Home

Discovering chemical-free clean…one mess at a time.

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How to Deep Clean Your Norwex Cloth

Norwex microfiber holds seven times its weight in gunk! And as you saw in the cross contamination video…it HOLDS it. The silver does not allow bacteria, fungus, mold, etc. to survive.  However a build up of chemicals previously used, oils, grease, etc. will bind to the silver and inhibit its effectiveness. You may start to notice your cloth smells musty! The silver is inhibited…NOT the effectiveness of the microfiber…it’s not letting go!

But you will want to release all that stuff so the silver can continue doing its job!

Just fill a pot with hot water and a scoop of Ultra Power Plus laundry detergent and bring to a boil.


It begins releasing gunk almost immediatly!


And here’s my water (compared with a white piece of paper) after about 10 min of boiling! Gross!



Give the cloths a good rinse under running water and hang to dry like normal.


Now the cloths have been refreshed and renewed!

If ever you have any questions or concerns regarding the care of your cloths please do not hesitate to contact me.  Your satisfaction is my utmost priority!